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How to Find a Job in Canada

Kababayan Multicultural Centre

Landing a job in Canada is probably the most exhilarating milestone in a newcomer’s settlement journey. But in a tough job market that is infamous for its prejudice against those with foreign-sounding names and those without Canadian education and experience, how does one stand a chance?

 “By expanding your network and finding a mentor,” says Parisa, Kababayan’s Settlement Counsellor.


And so on March 16, 2023, Kababayan held its first-ever post-pandemic in-person employment networking event. In partnership with JVS Toronto, we gathered job seekers and career mentors from the trades, engineering, IT, architecture, finance, and job development professions.

Another networking event was held on July 13, 2023, and welcomed internationally-trained newcomers from all professions.

Funded by the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), the Employment Program addresses one of the most important elements in settlement, that is, for the newcomers to find gainful and meaningful employment that can adequately support their life in Canada, as well as fulfill their passions and vocations.


We help newcomers find suitable employment with the help of an array of partners acting as bridge between newcomers and their dream profession. We work with newcomers’ strengths and passions, and we mentor them and help further strengthen their capacities through various skills training, workshops, and seminars on useful employment topics and issues. By educating workers on employment standards and their rights, we empower newcomers and contribute to advocacies calling for an end to systemic discrimination and racism in the workplace, including by supporting and working with professional and industry associations of immigrants.


Take a look at the various employment services we offered in 2022.

2022-23 Annual Report: Types of Services (p.11)
2022-23 Annual Report: Types of Services (p.11)



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